





3 Not-So-Obvious Reasons It’s Time to Sell

There are many good reasons to put your property on the market. Some examples include a relocation, the kids leaving the nest, the need to downsize or upsize, and the list goes on. Beyond the obvious reasons, there may be more subtle signs that the time to sell is near, such ...

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5 Reasons to Replace Your Windows

With the warmer weather here, now is the ideal time to replace your windows, so here are five great reasons why you should: Boost the “Wow” Factor - Brand-new windows have a huge impact on the overall look of a home, inside and out— an important element when you sell ...

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Estimating Your Selling Costs

When the time comes to sell your house, you’ll want to determine roughly how much you can expect to net after the sale. To figure that out, you’ll not only need to know how much your house will likely sell for, but also the selling costs you are likely to ...

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Trusting Your Gut and the Data: A Balanced Approach to Home Buying

Home buying is one of the most significant financial decisions you'll ever make. It's a process that involves a mix of excitement, anxiety, and a fair share of uncertainty. With so much at stake, how do you ensure you're making the right decision? The answer lies in taking a balanced ...

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